TIFF Image Printer Release Notes
If you are a registered owner of an earlier version you can purchase the latest version at a discounted price. Please visit our Sales FAQ for discount rates and complete steps on how to upgrade immediately online.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.024 – July 11, 2024
- Support for Windows 11 ARM64.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.023 – June 27, 2024
- The new DRIVERONLY install flag with the CONFIGPRINTER import printer settings flag allows installing a custom-named printer with your custom settings, instead of the TIFF Image Printer, direct from the installer.
- Added new macro variables $(SavedFilePath), $(OutputFileName), and $(PrintJobName) for use in Run Commands, Stamping, and Email and SMS messages.
- Added support for tabs and multiple lines (ENTER key) in the Email and SMS message body text.
- Importing custom printers that use shared profiles now sets the shared profile as the default profile for both the global and user devmodes.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.022 – March 20, 2024
- Fixed incorrect rendering of dashed and dotted lines when creating images.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.021 – March 5, 2024
- When a manual license renewal is initiated, activated products now remain activated until their expiration date or until the manual process is completed. Previously this would have set the product into an expired state.
- Improved licensing information is displayed on the dashboard, making it easier to identify errors related to licensing.
- Fixed issue drawing 1-bit images as transparent masked images.
- Fixed dashboard notification text cut off when the application screen is at its smallest size.
- Dashboard UI layout updates for readability and use of space.
- Fixed OEM Kit installs to clean up License Notification tasks when uninstalling from Settings – Apps and Features.
- Security updates and fixes.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.020 – December 6, 2023
- New Feature – Optical Character Recognition (OCR) added.
- Extract text from images and save as hOCR, ALTO, or Text files.
- Supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, and Hindu with over 100 other languages available to download as needed.
- Importing an invalid profile in the Profile Manager now displays an error message instead of silently failing.
- Fixed a Profile Manager application crash issue when importing an invalid profile.
- Fixed a Profile Manager application crash issue with creating and copying profiles if there was a corrupt profile in the collection.
- Fixed issue where fonts were embedded in PDF files when the Embed Fonts option was turned off.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.019 – July 25, 2023
- A new color reduction option that improves the appearance of single-color gradients when reducing color.
- The antialiasing option now applies to both lines, text and images on a page. Disabling antialiasing can reduce image size.
- Optimizations to speed and performance for even faster image creation.
- Image brightness options are now processed before stamps and borders are added, and before any color reduction options take place.
- Stamps and borders are now added to the page before any color counting options are processed.
- Fixed issue with inverted colors when created Optimized Color GIF images from monochrome pages.
- Fixed crashing issue when printing from Microsoft Project. Added in proper handling for 256 color image masking used by Microsoft Project.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.018 – April 11, 2023
- New run command tool, PNStart12.exe, that runs a single command or application once.
- Correctly format comments in image printer script files.
- Fix writing to script file causing a crash on Windows 2008 R2.
- Fixed issue causing SxS Activation Context error messages in the event log.
- Security patch to update to zlib library 1.2.13.
- Fixed error reporting to emit correctly formatted error message with error code.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.017 – January 17, 2023
- Support for filenames and folders with leading and trailing spaces in their names.
- New options in custom print job document name replacement strings to replace all occurrences and last occurrence of text in the print job document name.
- Handle case of application crashing when the printer profile cannot be found. An error message is now displayed and also logged to the event log.
- Fixed issues with incorrect hardware margins when rotating pages or using landscape pages.
- Fixed issue with missing round end caps on lines causing the appearance of gaps and missing segments.
- Fixed issue where printing would fail when used under a different user account than that which it was originally installed.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.016 – November 2, 2022
- Improved quality of image scaling when creating files at a lower resolution than originally printed. Can affect page copying, page resampling and creating fax images.
- Fixed rare issue of alpha blended color not appearing in the created output.
- Fixed issue of hardware margins not honoring settings in the profile; hardware margins now limited to a range of 0 to 1 inches or 0 to 2.54 centimeters.
- Fixed licensing issue for VMWare Horizon View Clients.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.015 – August 3, 2022
- Security updates and improvements.
- Fixed issue with automatic licensing under Windows 7.
- Added new window state parameter to the RunCommand tool PNExec12.exe. Commands can be launched hidden, shown, minimized and other options.
- Removed external dependency on VC++ redistributable when pushing the printer install via SCCM or other push software, as well as for OEM clients.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.014 – May 25, 2022
- Support undefined %ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE% used the start of a path or file name; used in the Save, Filename Creator, Stamping, Run Commands, Email and ZIP settings.
- New RunCommand batch file, PNRenameFilesSubString.bat that allows renaming the output filename using a substring of the original name.
- New command line install options to remove the application shortcuts, Dashboard, Print Management, Profile Manager, or Profile Editor features for customized printer setups with locked settings. Only valid for Subscription licenses.
- SHOWUI=FALSE does not install the Dashboard menu items and desktop shortcuts.
- NOTIFYUI=FALSE does not install Windows notification components for update and subscriptions notifications. Only on Windows 10 and higher, Windows Server 2016 and higher.
- NOEDIT=TRUE removes the Profile Editor feature and hides the Manage Profiles\Edit Profile button on the Printing Preferences dialog
- NOMGR=TRUE removes access to the Profile Manager feature from the Dashboard, popup stating feature not enabled is shown instead.
- NOPMGT=TRUE removes access to the Print Management from the Dashboard, popup stating feature not enabled is shown instead.
- NODASH=TRUE removes the Dashboard application and its shortcut from the install.
- Docusign signatures were being output as black boxes.
- Resolved rendering issues with scaled images from Internet Explorer missing in final output.
- Creating a folder with limited permissions would cause the Profile Manager to crash.
- Run Commands command preview now correctly updates when switching between command types.
- Print Management saves and deletes correctly when adding additional printers with other renamed but unsaved printers in the printer list.
- Improved startup error information in event log and added copy to clipboard option for Dashboard, Profile Manager and Profile Editor for troubleshooting.
- Improved wording and options for updating licenses from an Expired state
- Improved error messages and handling of licensing states when the local license fails to update.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.013 – March 29, 2022
- Notification messages for software updates and upcoming subscription renewals are now shown in the Windows notification area, as well as in the Dashboard
- Fixed issue where printing images with color and masking would cause memory fault errors.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.012 – February 25, 2022
- Built-In Email Action
- Send separate emails on successful and failed conversion.
- Supports sending email using Outlook or SMTP
- When using Outlook:
- Send email silently or prompt before sending.
- Format the email using Outlook Templates (*.oft).
- Email created files with option to attach as a single ZIP file.
- Set size limits and splitting options to control the the size of the emails plus attachments when possible.
- Built-in ZIP Action
- ZIP the created documents into a single ZIP file, or add to an existing
- Supports ZIP, 7zip, and TAR formats
- Create password-protected ZIP files
- Use custom file extension
- Automatically split the zip file at set size thresholds
- ZIP structure options to set folder paths inside the zip file, store at the root, or take the structure from the output files
- Added SMS notifications for sending text messages on successful or failed conversion
- New Cleanup Options panel for automatic deletion of created files. Useful in conjunction with the new Email and ZIP actions, and custom run commands to cleanup files sent to other processes or locations.
- Fixed issue where some Excel files failed to convert with memory fault errors.
- Fixed issue of some images in Excel files showing up incomplete on the output.
- Fixed issue of rare occurrences of the Dashboard and Profile Manager crashing when copying text to the clipboard.
- Fixed issue with custom printer installations to allow passing a UNC path for the CONFIGPRINTER path passed to the installation executable.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.011 – January 24, 2022
- Added support for the following control strings: NewFile, OutputDir and OutputFileName.
- Added support for custom print job document name replacement strings to automatically remove or replace unwanted text inserted by the printing application.
- A Windows 10 update replaced Photo Viewer with Windows 10 Photos Store app. Windows 10 Store apps like the Photos, Paint3D, Snip & Sketch are now creating two(2) print jobs. Added support for this new style of printing. With out this change, the first print job which is of format XPS2GDI remains in the queue marked in error and prevents any further print actions from succeeding.
- Fixed issue with licensing on XenDesktop environments.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.010 – January 4, 2022
- Performance improvements and enhancements.
- Updated rendering engine to change file creation speed to match or improve on the speed of previous versions.
- Fixed performance issue with speed of document in the printer queue.
- Improved speed of text extraction.
- Ability to match version 11.0 output by allowing the disabling of Antialiasing and setting dithering method to Halftone in the profile Save Options section.
- Fixed intermittent issue with COInitialize not being called.
- Fixed issue with invalid handle error message appearing in the Event log when using the PNSrv12 COM library.
- Fixed issue with pnexec12.exe not setting the TEMP, TMP environment variables back to the root temp folder.
- Adjusted spacing in the Stamping details row for better usability.
- General UI maintenance and updates.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.009 – November 16, 2021
- Added new Run Command states – Start of Job and End of Job, for calling custom commands.
- Run Commands have been enhanced to allow for multiple commands to be set for each command state. Commands for each state are run in the order in which they are shown in the list.
- Updated text extraction documentation error on text file output name.
- Fixed missing mutex on first file name to allow multiple print jobs access to the same file name or sequence.
- Fixed issue with hidden profiles showing in the Profiles list on the Printing Preferences and Save As dialog prompt. Bug was introduced in version 12.0.008.
- Fixed issue with Shared and Favorite profiles not listed correctly in Printing Preferences and Save As dialog prompt.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.008 – September 30, 2021
- Validated against Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022.
- Added ability to turn anti-aliasing on or off when creating color, indexed or greyscale images.
- Added ability to promote personal profiles to a shared profile. A shared profile is visible to all users, like a system (global) profiles.
- Added ability to lock, or force a printer to a profile using shared profiles. Administrator permissions required on the printer for this feature.
- Fixed issue with font glyphs not read properly.
- Fixed issue with registry keys left over when using PNSrv12 COM.
- Fixed issue with Fax Mode settings where changing fax profiles did not always select the correct default fax resolution.
- Fixed issue with Import and Export settings flyouts getting cut off when opened on the minimum size dashboard window.
- Fixed issue with profiles created using the Add New Profile button defaulting to 300dpi instead of Printer Resolution.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.007 – August 4, 2021
- All components re-signed with updated digital signature.
- Added system profile for creating serialized optimized color TIFF images.
- Added new properties in PNSrv12Lib COM object for tracking converted pages and skipped blank pages.
- Fixed issue with script file DEVMODE section where Resolution= was not overriding the printer resolution.
- Fixed issue with Profile Editor Save Icon not updating on Save with new or copied profiles.
- Fixed issue where print jobs could stop due to subscription renewal prompt when automating in an interactive environment.
- For licenses that allow automation (Windows Service , etc.) subscription prompting can now be controlled by setting Error Messages to Timed or Off in the Support Options section of the profile.
- Fixed out of memory issue on 32-bit platforms; optimized how we handle simple fill rectangles to not consume large amounts of memory.
- Fixed issue with null pointer exception when DOCINFO does not contain a name for the print job.
- Fixed issue with opaque rectangles in text output.
- Fixed issue with color palette not translated correctly in some scenarios.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.006 – June 22, 2021
- Added printing resolution into Printing Preferences dialog. This enables application to print documents/charts/diagrams at a resolution that matches the output resolution of the image/pdf being generated by the virtual image printer. This support enhances the quality of documents which are heavily dependent on line thicknesses or line weights. Useful for users printing AutoCAD drawings, land charts/maps and/or well logs.
- Added new output resolution option in the profiles to automatically match the printing resolution set on the printers. This behavior matches earlier versions of the printer.
- Added advanced settings option to Printer Management to edit the printer’s resolution, paper size, and orientation, as well as additional options for the Save As dialog behavior.
- Add ShellPrint, ShellPrintTo and PrintUsingCommand methods back to the PNSrv12 COM library for backwards compatibility.
- Install now correctly checks for pending reboot required by printer driver update.
- Fixed issue with rendering print streams containing images that are actually paint color masks with foreground brush.
- Fixed rendering issues with masked color images, alpha-masked images and incorrect PNG RGBA colored images.
- Fixed issue with font aliasing.
- Fixed issue with embedded JPEG images containing sRGB color profile produced incorrect RGB colored images.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.005 – May 18, 2021
- $[REGKEY] macro support for the following settings. Registry key values are not verified by the user interface but are interpreted when printing. Missing registry keys are replaced with an empty string. Use carefully.
- Output file path and Output file name
- Path to image in stamping features
- Path to error logs and support file locations
- Run Commands and Start In Folders for the commands
- Added support for Run Commands for backwards compatibility with earlier versions.
- Allow relative paths to be entered (%MYAPPDATA\..\OtherFolder) for all path fields.
- Improved environment variable support (%env%) for paths and filenames.
- Run Commands can now be set using the printer script file.
- Resolved issues with incomplete files and file creation errors when converting multithreaded (i.e. when the same user is printing many files at the same time).
- Improvements to the startup time for Dashboard and Profile Manager.
- Fix for Run Commands not switching to the Start in Folder when the command is run.
- Fix for scaling from 600 to lower resolutions to maintain graphics and lines so they don’t go below a certain pixel level. This fixes missing or faint lines when converting well logs, AutoCAD documents and other files with lines.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.004 – March 31, 2021
- Added new Run Command utilities for moving, renaming and deleting files.
- Profiles that use Run Commands using any provided tools from the built-in RunCommands folder now detect and internally store this folder path as a macro so that the profiles can more easily be shared and imported on other computers.
- Added script file control in the [Save] section for ignoring blank pages (IgnoreBlankPages=[0|1]) and setting a page range (IncludePages=1,2-4,10-10000) for included pages.
- Fixed trimming of whitespace around tables in Word cutting off borders. Whitespace is now added around the trimming area to account for font and line scaling.
- Improved rendering speed for text stamps and evaluation watermark by reducing font dependency.
- Fixed issue where renaming the printer in Printer Management would reset the profile to the default profile.
- Fixed driver support for custom file name extension in profile being ignored.
- Fixed issue where closing a modified profile in the Profile Manager window using the caption [X] exit button did not prompt to save/discard/return to profile manager.
- Fixed issue with Dashboard and Profile Manager application sizing on screens with display scaled larger than 100%.
- Fixed licensing issue where activation was blocked when a proxy server was in place.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.003 – March 5, 2021
- Updated Filename Creator tool to allow the base file name to be removed from the file name.
- Added a JobID file naming part into the Filename Creator tool. The JobID is set per printer and increments by 1 each time a file is printed to the printer.
- Added new RunCommand tool PNExec12.exe that will runs the command for each file in the output list. Customers migrating from version 11 running commands at end of job on $(OutputFilePath) can use this tool to update the Run Command for version 12.
- The included tools for the Run Commands that use .NET Framework now target .NET 4.5. The main driver UI still requires .NET 4.8.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.002 – February 22, 2021
- Updated Filename Creator to allow the file number part to be removed from the file name.
- Fix missing lines in CAD drawings when dithering to black and white.
- Fixes for memory overwrite and leaks in rare cases.
- Improved dashboard and profile manager launching times.
- Dashboard fixes for incorrect licensing issues being reported for One Time installations.
- Updated how required file and folder permissions are set during the install.
TIFF Image Printer 12.0.001 – January 9th, 2021
TIFF Image Printer has been updated to have a new, modern interface with a new Dashboard application serving as the main hub for easy access to conversion settings, printer management, and licensing, as well as links to videos, tutorials and other help resources.
Conversion settings are now set using profiles, which are created and edited using the Profile Manager application. This new concept allows for improvements to existing features, the addition of new ones, and maintains the output settings available in earlier versions.
New Features:
- Driver rendering improvements to create clearer text in output images such as TIFF.
- Create multiple conversion profiles for your daily tasks and easily switch between them to create the files you need. Conversion profiles can also be exported and imported for easy sharing between colleagues.
- Conversion profiles include an enhanced filename creator, making it easier to customize the filenames and create customized file naming output scenarios.
- The new stamping feature allows images and text to be placed anywhere on the page, as well as adding page numbering and date/time strings to your output pages.
- Page editing and resizing features now includes adding borders and adjusting page brightness using an intensity range.
- Run Commands have been simplified and several common run tasks are now included. Now the last parameter is always a path to a text file that contains a list of the file(s) created by the conversion process (one per row). This allows the user to easily operate on those files in any way they need.
- With the Dashboard’s Printer Management feature, users can copy, create, delete, rename and set the conversion profile for all instances of TIFF Image Printer without having to work with the Devices and Printers menu.
- The Dashboard also allows you to save and restore your product settings, useful when you are moving or upgrading computers, or want to share your settings with a colleague.
- Script file automation and the PNSrv12 COM object has been simplified and brought in line with the driver changes for version 12. Automation configuration using the new conversion profiles is now simpler than previous versions.
TIFF Image Printer 11.0.010 – September 2nd, 2020
- Fixed issue where clients using PNSrv11 COM would suddenly start getting the “The specified path is invalid.” error after applying Windows updates from August 2020. Changes to the underlying operating system from the updates caused the issue.
TIFF Image Printer 11.0.009 – July 14th, 2020
- Added improved support for CIFS (Common Internet File System) volumes:
- Fixed issue of temporary files being created but no deleted when testing directory and file access permissions.
- Fixed issue where validating access to a directory was returning access denied in error.
- Added user defined paper size support to match XPS printer paper selection processing (also known as DMPAPER_USER or User Defined Paper).