Adding Watermarks to Documents

Recently a Peernet customer asked one of our staff about how to place a watermark with the text “Internal Use Only – Confidential” at the bottom middle of every page, in red, bolded and including the font Times New Roman at 10 point using the TIFF Image Printer 10.0.

Answer: Use the Endorsements feature in TIFF Image Printer 10.0.

Endorsements are the placing of additional header and footer information at the top and bottom of each page. Headers and footers can contain text such as titles and page numbers.

Default height, font and colorused for the text is 12 point Arial black.

You have control over:

  • height and width of each section which can be entered in English (inches), Metric (centimeters) or Points (points)
  • font
  • color
  • font size
  • bold/italic/underline/strike through
  • number pages

How to configure:

  1. Open Printing Preferences (Start – Devices and Printers – Right click TIFF Image Printer 10.0 – Printing Preferences)
  2. Click Endorsements tab
  3. Click to “Enable endorsements” –  In Style, select “Page Footer Center”
    • For both Header and Footer, you can place text in the left, center and right of each page
  4. Add the endorsement text string &KFF0000&’Times New Roman’&10&BInternal Use Only&B – Confidential into the Text field. The formatting codes:
    • &K to set the color of the text to red using the RGB color code FF0000.
    • &’font name to set the font to Times New Roman.
    • &10 to set the font size to 10 points.
    • &B to define the start and end positions of the endorsement string to be displayed in bold text.

Following is placed on the bottom center of each page: Internal Use Only– Confidential

Endorsements Formatting Codes can be found in the TIFF Image Printer On-line User Guide and then scroll down to Header and Footer Formatting Codes