Add Text Watermark using Convert To PDF

Easily create PDF files with predefined or custom text watermark placed on each page of the PDF file. This, and other extra features not found in other PDF creator software products, make Convert To PDF an affordable solution for converting from any Windows application that supports printing.

Why Convert Files with Convert To PDF?

  • Add predefined or custom text watermark
  • Run program or command after PDF conversion completed

How to Add Watermark to PDF Files

  1. Download your free trial and install Convert to PDF on your computer. As a virtual printer, Convert To PDF can create PDF files simply by printing to Convert to PDF instead of your normal printer.
    Word to pdf
  2. Print your file to the Convert To PDF printer.
  3. On the creation wizard screen, select Watermark in the Category column on the left side.
    Convert To PDF - Watermark Setting Screen
  4. Click “Use watermark” to enable the Watermark feature.
  5. If you want the watermark to only be on the first page of the PDF file, then click “Place on first page only“.
    Convert To PDF - Watermark Setting Screen
  6. You can either select “Watermark text” and pick from a group of predefined text watermarks or select “Custom Text” and enter the custom text you want placed on the pages of your PDF files (ie INTERNAL USE ONLY).
    Convert To PDF - Watermark Setting Screen
  7. You can modify settings like Font, Size, Color and Position of the watermark.
    Convert To PDF - Watermark Setting - Font Size Color and Position
  8. You can apply effects such as Bold, Italic, Outline Text and Semi-transparent to the watermark.
    Convert To PDF - Watermark Setting - Bold Italic Outline Test and Semi-transparent
  9. After you have selected the settings for your watermark, click the Start button to create your PDF file.
    Convert To PDF - Start Button
  10. The above settings creates the following PDF file.
Convert To PDF - Watermarked PDF File

NOTE: If you wish to try different settings for the watermark, you can click the “Back to Options” button which allows you to change the settings on the Watermark screen and click the Start button to create a new PDF file with the new settings.

Convert To PDF - Back to Options Button