Query on TIFF files
Question: On a daily basis, I need to create color TIFF files and black and white TIFF files depending on the original source. With my copy of TIFF Image Printer 10.0, how do I do this, so the users do not have to change the settings?
Answer: You can use the “Copy Printer” feature to make a copy of TIFF Image Printer 10.0 and set one printer to creating color TIFF files and the other printer to creating black and white TIFF files.
How to configure:
- Install TIFF Image Printer 10.0
- Click Start menu – All Programs – TIFF Image Printer 10.0 – Copy Printer
- Enter a name for the printer that will create color files (ie Color TIFF Printer)
- Click Start menu – All Programs – TIFF Image Printer 10.0 – Copy Printer
- Enter a name for the printer that will create black and white files (ie Black/White TIFF Printer)
- Open Devices and Printers
- Open Printing Preferences for Color TIFF Printer (Right click Color TIFF Printer – Printing Preferences)
- Click the Save tab
- Select “Reduce to optimal palette” for Color Reduction
- Enter the location where to save the TIFF files in the Output directory field. (You can click the Browse button to select a location or manually type in the path.)
- Check “Prompt only when needed” and “Overwrite always” (this disables the Save prompt window, so the file is automatically saved to the Output directory)
- Click OK
- Open Printing Preferences for Black/White TIFF Printer (Right click Black/White TIFF Printer – Printing Preferences)
- Click the Save tab
- Select “Reduce to black and white” for Color Reduction
- Select “Floyd-Steinberg” for Dithering Method
- Enter the location where to save the TIFF files in the Output directory field. (You can click the Browse button to select a location or manually type in the path.)
- Check “Prompt only when needed” and “Overwrite always” (this disables the Save prompt window, so the file is automatically saved to the Output directory)
- Click OK
- Users can select either “Color TIFF Printer” to create color TIFF files or “Black/White TIFF Printer” to create black and white TIFF files
For documentation information for each tab found in the Printing Preferences section, see https://www.peernet.com/tiff/userguide/properties_reference_root.htm
For step by step instructions for some other common configurations, see https://www.peernet.com/tiff/userguide/working_with_the_product.htm