On this screen, you can choose to create multi-page (one file) or serialized (one file per page) output.


One Image file per file processed

This option will create a single file with one or more pages for every file converted.

As an example, if you converted a four-page Microsoft Word document called Work.doc into a multi-paged TIFF image you would create a single image file called Work.tif with four pages.

One image file per page of the file processed

If you choose the serialized option, the files are created using the name of the original file (appended with a page number), and are saved to the save location that you select later in the wizard.

For example, if you converted a four-page Microsoft Word document called Work.doc into serialized TIFF images, you would create four different image files called Work_0001.tif, Work_0002.tif, Work_0003.tif, and Work_0004.tif.




If you have set the intended file use to Displaying in a Web Browser, or Displaying on Screen, this screen is not applicable and is skipped.