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TIFF Image Printer


Sets the compression methods to use when storing color or greyscale JPEG images. The actual compression method used on each page will depend on any color reduction method chosen through the SetSaveOptions method. Other output options used, such as SetFaxImageOptions may override any settings chosen here.

To set only a single compression option use the SetProperty call with the appropriate arguments. See the Remarks below for a list of arguments.


expression.SetJPEGCompressionOptions(Color, Greyscale)

where expression is an IPNSession object.


pnColorCompressionMethod Color

A pnColorCompressionMethod constant for the compression method to use for color images. Not all of the constants are valid for this method, only pnColorCompressionJPEGHighQuality, pnColorCompressionJPEGMediumHighQuality, pnColorCompressionJPEGMediumQuality, pnColorCompressionJPEGMediumLowQuality, and pnColorCompressionJPEGLowQuality apply. If an invalid constant is passed the default compression of pnColorCompressionJPEGMediumQuality is used.

pnGreyscaleCompressionMethod Greyscale

A pnGreyscaleCompressionMethod constant for the compression method to use for greyscale images. Not all of the constants are valid for this method, only pnGreyscaleCompressionJPEGHighQuality, pnGreyscaleCompressionJPEGMediumHighQuality, pnGreyscaleCompressionJPEGMediumQuality, pnGreyscaleCompressionJPEGMediumLowQuality, and pnGreyscaleCompressionJPEGLowQuality apply. If an invalid constant is passed the default compression of pnGreyscaleCompressionJPEGMediumQuality is used.


Use the following to set these options using SetProperty:

Method Parameter

SetProperty Parameters



JPEG File Format


Color compression


VT_BSTR, one of the following:

High Quality

Medium High Quality

Medium Quality

Medium Low Quality

Low Quality



JPEG File Format


Greyscale compression


VT_BSTR, one of the following:

High Quality

Medium High Quality

Medium Quality

Medium Low Quality

Low Quality

Supported Printers: Raster Image Printer

See Also: SetProperty pnColorColorCompressionMethod pnGreyscaleCompressionMethod