These functions are valid both for in SQL expressions and for use in a field, computed field, parameter expression or within label/report/request code.




Ascii (s)

returns the ASCII code of the leftmost character of s

Char (c)

returns a character that has the ASCII code c

Concat (str1,str2)

returns str1 + str2

Difference (s1,s2)

returns the difference between the sound of s1 and s2

HexToRaw (s1)

returns translated string

Insert (s,start,len,s2)

returns a string where len number of characters beginning at start has been replaced by s2

Left (s,count)

returns the leftmost count of characters of s

Length (s)

returns the number of characters in s

Locate (search,s,[start])

returns the first index (1=left, 0=not found) where search is found in s, starting at start

LTrim (s)

removes all leading blanks in s

RawToHex (s1)

returns translated string

RLocate (search,s,[end])

returns the first index (1=left, 0=not found) where search is found in s, starting at end searching backwards through s.

Repeat (s,count)

returns s repeated count times

Replace (s,replace,s2)

replaces all occurrences of replace in s with s2

Right (s,count)

returns the rightmost count of characters of s

RTrim (s)

removes all trailing spaces

SoundEx (s)

returns a four character code representing the sound of s

Space (count)

returns a string consisting of count spaces

SubStr (s,start[,len])

returns the substring starting at start (1=left) with length len

SubString (s,start[,len])

returns the substring starting at start (1=left) with length len

UCase (s)

converts s to upper case

Lower (s)

converts s to lower case

Upper (s)

converts s to upper case