These functions are valid both for in SQL expressions and for use in a field, computed field, parameter expression or within label/report/request code.




Abs (d)

returns the absolute value of a double value

ACos (d)

returns the arc cosine of an angle

ASin (d)

returns the arc sine of an angle

ATan (d)

returns the arc tangent of an angle

ATan2 (a,b)

returns the tangent of a/b

Ceiling (d)

returns the smallest integer that is not less than d

Cos (d)

returns the cosine of an angle

Cot (d)

returns the cotangent of an angle

Degrees (d)

converts radians to degrees

Exp (d)

returns e (2.718...) raised to the power of d

Floor (d)

returns the largest integer that is not greater than d

Log (d)

returns the natural logarithm (base e)

Log10 (d)

returns the logarithm (base 10)

Mod (a,b)

returns a modulo b

Pi ()

returns pi (e.g. 3.1415...)

Power (a,b)

returns a raised to the power of b

Radians (d)

converts degrees to radians

Rand ()

returns a random number x bigger or equal to 0.0 and smaller than 1.0

Round (a,b)

rounds a to b digits after the decimal point

Sign (d)

returns -1 if d is smaller than 0, 0 if d==0 and 1 if d is bigger than 0

Sin (d)

returns the sine of an angle

Sqrt (d)

returns the square root

Tan (d)

returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle

Truncate (a,b)

truncates a to b digits after the decimal point

BitAnd (a,b)

return a & b

BitOr (a,b)

return a | b

RoundMagic (d)

solves rounding problems such as 3.11-3.1-0.01