

Like "S*"

Displays records where the field’s value starts with the letter S.

Like "*Imports"

Displays records where the field’s value ends with the word "Imports".

Like "[A-D]*"

Displays records where the field’s value starts with the letters A through D.

Like "*ar*"

Displays records where the field’s value includes the letter sequence "ar".

Not Like "*Q*"

Displays records where the field’s value does not include the letter ‘Q’.


Displays records where the field’s value starts with the letters N through Z.

Like "Dewe?"

Displays records where the field’s value is a 5-letter word in which the first 4 letters are "Dewe" and the last letter is unknown.

Right([EMPLOYEE_ID], 2)="99"

Uses the Right function to display records where the EMPLOYEE_ID field’s value ends in 99. For a complete list of built-in functions, see Chapter 19: Predefined Variables and Built-in Functions.