Modifying the Properties of Job Items

Items such as files, folders, and web addresses are added to the job list with basic default values. In most cases, these defaults will be sufficient for your job.

The default values for each of these items are as follows:



Item to Convert

Selection Filter

Include SubFolder(s) / SubItems(s)



Full path to file





Full path to folder

All Files(*.*)


Web Address


Full web address



Modifying the enable status of a job item

When the Enable box is checked, the item is included in the job when processed. When this box is not checked, the item is ignored and not included in the job when processed. This allows you to skip items in the job without having to actually remove them from the job list.





You can use the Enable Selected and Disable Selected commands in the Edit and context menus to quickly enable or disable all selected items in the job list.

Modifying the name of a job item

Job item names can be edited directly in the job list by selecting the item row and clicking the job item name. The item name is highlighted and a flashing caret cursor is placed at the end of the text. From here, you can edit the text as you would in any text editor.


You can also select the item name for editing by right-clicking on the item’s row in the job list, and clicking Edit Item in the context menu. Changing a job item’s name can change the type of input it represents. The properties of the job item may be reset to their default values.

For example, editing a job item with a file name of C:\Data\MyDoc.doc to read C:\Data\ will change that job item from a file to a folder, and folder default properties for the Selection Filter and Include Subfolder(s) / Subitem(s) fields will be applied. The Enable status does not change, and maintains the properties of the file.

The following table summarizes what happens when you change the type of an item in the job list:


Change Action




Only the file that the job item represents has changed. All other properties remain the same.


The job item now represents a folder. The Enable status remains the same. The Selection Filter and Include Subfolder(s) / Subitem(s) properties are now set to folder defaults.

Web Address

The job item now represents a web address. All other properties remain the same.



The job item now represents a file. The Selection Filter and Include Subfolder(s) / Subitem(s) properties are no longer applicable. The Enable status remains the same.


Only the folder that the job item represents has changed. All other properties remain the same.

Web Adress

The job item now represents a web address. The Selection Filter and Include Subfolder(s) / Subitem(s) properties are no longer applicable. The Enable status remains the same.

Web Address


The job item now represents a file. All other properties remain the same.


The job item now represents a folder. The Selection Filter and Include Subfolder(s) / Subitem(s) properties are now set to folder defaults. The Enable status remains the same.

Web Adress

Only the web address that the job item represents has changed. All other properties remain the same.

Modifying the inclusion status of a job item

The job item's inclusion status is displayed as a small box, with or without a checkmark. Clicking in the small box with the left mouse button will toggle the checkmark on and off. When the box is checked, the folder's subfolders will be searched for matching files, and all matching files will be added to the job when it is run. When the box is not checked, only the files in the folder itself that match the filter properties will be added to the job when it is run.

The Include Subfolder(s) / Subitem(s) property applies only to folders. When this property is set to on for a folder, all subfolders of that folder are searched for files that match the filter properties. This is useful when you want to convert all the files saved in a particular tree; using this property, you do not need to add each folder individually.


Modifying the filter properties of a job item

This property applies only to folders. Since a folder can contain files of many types, this property allows us to include only certain file types in the job. By default, all file types are included. Files are filtered by the file extension.


When the job is run, and a folder item is processed, all of the files in that folder that match the filter property list are included in the job. All other files are ignored. To change the file types that are included in a folder item, click the drop-down list control in the Selection Filter field.


When this control is clicked, a list of all file types is displayed beneath the cell. This list is built dynamically from the extensions of the files as they are encountered. A basic list of the most common file extensions is preset upon installation, and this list is added to as new file types that can be converted are encountered. See Supported Input File Types for more information.

By default, the *.* option is checked, meaning File Conversion Center will try to convert all the files in the folder. Any file in the folder that can be opened and printed by one of the Required Applications will be processed and its extension added to the Selection Filter list.

To filter what files in the folder will be included in the job, check the appropriate file extension in the Selection Filter checklist. To the left of each file extension item is a small square. If the square has a checkmark inside, any files in the folder who match that file extension type will be included in the job.

For example, to filter the folder above to process only Word documents (*.doc) and HTML files(*.html), you would put a check beside the doc item, and the html item. Checking any other item in the list automatically removes the check for the *.* item at the top of the list.

To remove file types from the filter, position the mouse pointer over the square and click the left mouse button. The checkmark will disappear. To add a file type that has been removed, click in the empty square with the left mouse button to toggle the checkmark back on.

Alternatively, you can use the up and down arrow keys to move the selection rectangle through the list, and the SPACEBAR to toggle the selected item between checked and unchecked.

Press the ENTER key or click outside the list to close the drop-down list and save any changes made to the filter. The text displayed in the Selection Filter column for this folder item will change to display only the files types checked in the drop-down list. Pressing the ESC key will cancel any changes.