These options control the behavior of the Adobe Reader converter used by Document Conversion Service. Table values in bold text are the default value for that setting.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Profile Type="0"
DisplayName="TIFF 300dpi Adobe with Markup"
Description ="Prints Adobe files with any stamps and markup visible.">
<add Name ="Adobe.PDF.PrintOptions.CommentsAndForms"
<!-- Output file options -->
<add Name="Devmode settings;Resolution" Value="300"/>
<add Name="Save;Output File Format" Value="TIFF Multipaged"/>
PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem item = null;
// Create the conversion item
item = new PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem();
// Set conversion settings
item.Set("Adobe.PDF.PrintOptions.CommentsAndForms", "DocumentsAndMarkups");
item.Set("Devmode settings;Resolution", "300");
item.Set("Save;Output File Format", "TIFF Multipaged");
// convert the file
item.Convert("Adobe Acrobat Reader", _
@"C:\Test\Report.pdf", _
Dim item As PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.IPNDocConvQueueItem
' Create the conversion item
item = New PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem()
' Set conversion settings
item.Set("Adobe.PDF.PrintOptions.CommentsAndForms", "DocumentsAndMarkups")
item.Set("Devmode settings;Resolution", "300")
item.Set("Save;Output File Format", "TIFF Multipaged")
' convert the file
item.Convert("Adobe Acrobat Reader", _
"C:\Test\Report.pdf", _
Conversion Settings - Adobe Reader Print Options
Choose what is visible on the page when the PDF file is printed. Markup consists of any comments and annotations, including stamps, that have been placed on the PDF.
DocumentsAndMarkups - prints the document with any markup and stamps visible.
DocumentsAndStamps - prints the document with only stamp annotations visible. Markup is not shown
Documents - prints only the document. Markup and stamps are not printed.
When "True", Adobe will use the page size of each page in the PDF to determine the paper size of the output page (paper source); in this case the page size of the output images will match the original PDF document. If you are controlling the paper size using the Devmode settings;Paper Size setting, this option should be set to false. This will tell Adobe to scale the pages to the new paper size. This option is enabled (set to "True") by default.
String value "" or "False".
When "True", the PDF page will be rotated to fit the output page orientation when needed. Use when Adobe.PDF.PrintOptions.ChoosePaperSourceByPDFPageSize is set to "False". This option is disabled (set to "False") by default.
String value "" or "False".
Choose how the PDF page will be scaled to the output page. Use when Adobe.PDF.PrintOptions.ChoosePaperSourceByPDFPageSize is set to "False". This option is set to "ShrinkToFit" by default.
Note: This option applies only when using Adobe Reader with the Adobe Reader converter; if using Adobe Acrobat, this option is not recognized.
ActualSize - prints the PDF page at its original page size. If the output page is smaller the the original PDF page size, the page may be cropped.
ShrinkToFit - PDF pages that are larger than the output page size will be scaled to fit on the page; smaller pages are not scaled and are centered on the larger page. This is the default value.
Choose how the PDF page will be printed. This option is enabled (set to "True") by default as it produces the best quality output.
String value "" or "False".
Set to true to also print comment popups when printing with Adobe.PDF.PrintOptions.CommentsAndForms set to DocumentsAndMarkups. The comments must be open to be printed, otherwise only the comment icon is printed. Valid for Adobe Reader version 10 and higher.
String value "" or "False".
Allows PDF files set with duplex printing options to successfully convert.
An empty blank page created by the Adobe printing engine will be added to the end of any documents with an odd number of pages. Setting to "False" will cause the file to fail to convert.
String value "" or "False".
Ignores any duplex (double-sided, FlipOnLongEdge, FlipOnShortEdge) printing options set in the PDF file. The file is converted single-sided.
Overrides the Adobe.PDF.PrintOptions.AllowDuplexPrintJobs setting, if set. Does not apply to password-protected PDF files.
String value "" or "False".
Conversion Settings - Adobe Reader JavaScript Options
Enable or disable any JavaScript in the PDF document. This option is disabled (set to "False") by default as JavaScript in PDF files can be a security risk. If your PDF files contain JavaScript that you need to have run to display the file properly, you can enable JavaScript processing by setting this options to "True".
String value "True" or "".
Conversion Settings - Adobe Reader General Options
Available starting in DCS 3.0.016.
This setting ignores, if possible, any security and passwords set on the PDF file, allowing the PDF file to be converted. PDF files with both user and owner passwords will still fail to convert. This option is enabled (set to "True") by default.
String value "True" or "".
Available starting in DCS 3.0.016.
When True, this setting will attempt to copy this PDF to a new temporary PDF for processing. For badly formed PDF files this can sometimes repair issues that prevent the file from opening and/or converting. This option is enabled (set to "True") by default.
String value "True" or "".