Several command line utilities for converting files and folders are included with Document Conversion Service. These utilities can be called from scheduled tasks, batch files or any program that can call an external program.
Utility |
Descriptions |
Converts a file using Document Conversion Service. The file can be converted in place or saved in a different location. |
Given a text file containing a list of files to convert, or a list of files provided on the command line, converts all files using Document Conversion Service. |
Walks the given folder and converts all files, or all files matching a provided search filter, using Document Conversion Service. The utility can optionally also process all subfolders under the starting folder as well. |
Given a text file containing a list of files, and/or a list of files provided on the command line, this utility will convert the files using Document Conversion Service and combine all of the files together into a single multipaged file or a collection of serialized pages. The files are are appended together in the order in which they are received. |
Walks a folder and combines all files, or all files matching a search filter, together into a single file or a collection of serialized pages using Document Conversion Service. The utility can optionally also process all subfolders under the starting folder as well. |
Each of the above utilities can create a results log file containing a complete snapshot of the conversion information for each file converted, in both a success and failure case. This utility can be used to extract information from the results log files, such as all files created, or any errors that occurred. |
Searches a folder, and optionally any subfolders and lists of files matching the search filter specified. |
Echos to the command line the current license level and how many days remain in the subscription. |
When using the above command line utilities the type of output created is based on the conversion profile passed. A selection of common conversion profiles are included with the Document Conversion Service install. See the section Conversion Settings for more details, and instructions on creating your own custom profiles.
The command line utilities all return the following error codes:
•0 – success
•1 – failed
•2 – invalid parameters, when the command line tool has parameters
The results of each command line utility are sent to standard out, while any errors that may have happened are sent to standard error. To capture this information you can:
•use the output redirection operators > and >> to save or append the standard output results in a file
•use the pipe operator (|) to send the standard output to another program as input
•redirect only the standard output to a file with the operator 1>C:\DCS\files.txt
•redirect only the standard error to a file with the operator 2>C:\DCS\err.txt