Text Fields are containers for simple text, and can be used to display user-inputted text, a record source field, a built-in function or variable, a parameter, or the results of a computed field.




To add a Text Field, click InsertText Field, then click the location on the report or label where you want the Text Field to appear. The following Text Field properties can be configured:



A unique, assigned name, consisting of the words “Text Field” plus the first available number (for example, Text Field 1, Text Field 2, and so on), by default. You can also give your own, unique name to the component for ease of reference when using event methods.



The exact horizontal co-ordinate for the top left corner of the Text Field.



The exact vertical co-ordinate for the top left corner of the Text Field.



The width of the Text Field.



The height of the Text Field.


Hide Duplicates

If you set this field to Yes duplicate entries will not be repeated.



The value bound to the Text Field component. This can be user-inputted text, a record source field, a built-in function or variable, a parameter, the results of a computed field, or a Java identifier. For more information about what can be bound to a Value field, see Working with Expressions.


Sample Value

The sample value that displays in the component during design time.


Format Locale

The location-specific formatting selection for the component.


Format As

The type of value displayed in the Text Field (Plain Text, Date and Time, Currency, or Number).


Format Pattern

The format to use for the selected Type. Click the icon_browse_button button to the right of the Format Pattern field to launch the Format dialog box, where you can make your desired selection.



The text color. If you have a border this color will also be assigned to the border. Click the icon_browse_button button to go to the Color Chooser and select a custom color.


Font Name

The name of the font used in the Text Field. All TrueType fonts on your system are available for selection from this list. Note that UNIX users should copy any fonts they want to reference in Reports Designer to the \fonts folder under the PEERNET Reports installation directory.


Font Size

The size of the font used in the Text Field.


Font Bold

The bold setting for the font in the Text Field (Yes or No).


Font Italic

The italic setting for the font in the Text Field (Yes or No).


Fill Style

The fill setting for the Text Field (Opaque or Transparent).


Fill Color

The fill color for the Text Field. To show the fill color, ensure Fill Style is set to Opaque. Click the icon_browse_button button to go to the Color Chooser and select a custom color.


Horizontal Align

The horizontal alignment of the text in the Text Field (Left, Center, Right).


Vertical Align

The vertical alignment of the text in the Text Field (Top, Center, Bottom).


Border Thickness

The size of the Text Field border. A border size of 0 produces no border.



The degree of rotation of the text in the Text Field (0, 90, 180, 270).


Word Wrap

If you set this field to No your text will appear on one line only.


Can Grow

If you set this field to Yes the component will be automatically resized if its value is larger than its bounding box. Other components will be shifted to accommodate the size increase. If you set this field to No the component’s value may appear truncated in the bounding box.


Can Shrink

If you set this field to Yes the component will be automatically resized if its value is smaller than its bounding box. Other components will be shifted to occupy any created space. If you set this field to No the component’s bounding box may include empty space.


Propagate Change

The controls the behaviour of the Can Grow and Can Shrink properties and how this component propagates changes caused by another component.  When set To the right and below a change in the size/position of this component will affect the position of components to the right and below this component.   When set To the right only a change in the size/position of this component will only affect the position of components to the right and will not affect components below this component.  When set Below only a change in the size/position of this component will only affect the position of components below this component and will not affect components to the right of this component. When set No a change in the size/position of this component will not affect any other component.



If you set this field to No the Text Field will be hidden.



If you set this field to Locked you will not be able to move the Text Field by dragging.