Query on TIFF files

Question: On a daily basis, I need to create color TIFF files and black and white TIFF files depending on the original source. With my copy of TIFF Image Printer 10.0, how do I do this, so the users do not have to change the settings?

Answer: You can use the “Copy Printer” feature to make a copy of TIFF Image Printer 10.0 and set one printer to creating color TIFF files and the other printer to creating black and white TIFF files.

How to configure:

  1. Install TIFF Image Printer 10.0
  2. Click Start menu – All Programs – TIFF Image Printer 10.0 – Copy Printer
  3. Enter a name for the printer that will create color files (ie Color TIFF Printer)
  4. Click Start menu – All Programs – TIFF Image Printer 10.0 – Copy Printer
  5. Enter a name for the printer that will create black and white files (ie Black/White TIFF Printer)
  6. Open Devices and Printers
  7. Open Printing Preferences for Color TIFF Printer (Right click Color TIFF Printer – Printing Preferences)
  8. Click the Save tab
  9. Select “Reduce to optimal palette” for Color Reduction
  10. Enter the location where to save the TIFF files in the Output directory field. (You can click the Browse button to select a location or manually type in the path.)
  11. Check “Prompt only when needed” and “Overwrite always” (this disables the Save prompt window, so the file is automatically saved to the Output directory)
  12. Click OK
  13. Open Printing Preferences for Black/White TIFF Printer (Right click Black/White TIFF Printer – Printing Preferences)
  14. Click the Save tab
  15. Select “Reduce to black and white” for Color Reduction
  16. Select “Floyd-Steinberg” for Dithering Method
  17. Enter the location where to save the TIFF files in the Output directory field. (You can click the Browse button to select a location or manually type in the path.)
  18. Check “Prompt only when needed” and “Overwrite always” (this disables the Save prompt window, so the file is automatically saved to the Output directory)
  19. Click OK
  20. Users can select either “Color TIFF Printer” to create color TIFF files or “Black/White TIFF Printer” to create black and white TIFF files

For documentation information for each tab found in the Printing Preferences section, see https://www.peernet.com/tiff/userguide/properties_reference_root.htm

For step by step instructions for some other common configurations, see https://www.peernet.com/tiff/userguide/working_with_the_product.htm